We are highly committed to producing top-quality nutritional cheese for our consumers.
We are fully committed to supporting the food and culinary industries in Indonesia.
Home of the iconic brand Prochiz, the number 1 local cheese producer in Indonesia.
We are committed to maintaining the trust of all stakeholders by implementing the principles of Good Corporate Governance in every aspect of our operational activities.
Creating long-term and sustainable value for all company stakeholders is one of our core commitments.
Keju Prochiz (PT Mulia Boga Raya Tbk) successfully won the "Indonesia Local Brand of The Year 2024" award for the Cheese Cheddar category.
Garudafood Invites Employees to Convert Waste into Business Opportunities Through Maggots
PT Mulia Boga Raya Tbk (MBR) Presents a Car for the Winner of the “Berkah Fantaschiz with Prochiz” Program
National Cheese Day, Prochiz Encourages Indonesian Children to Consume Cheese
Gery, Chocolatos, dan Prochiz Raih Indonesia Original Brands Award 2024
Dorong Transisi Energi, Garudafood Gunakan Motor Listrik untuk Operasional
Wawancara Eksklusif CNBC Indonesia dengan Dirut MBR: Bisnis Olahan Susu Tetap Gurih Kala Daya Beli Loyo
Optimisme Garudafood Pertahankan Pertumbuhan Laba Double Digit di Paruh Kedua Tahun 2024
Garudafood Masuk Daftar 100 Perusahaan Terbesar Versi Fortune Indonesia
Prochiz dan Chef Renatta Ajak Masyarakat Eksplorasi Kreasi Olahan Keju Lewat Grand Cooking Demo Prochiz
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